Bible Q&A

Where are we in the timeline of Bible prophecy?

Bible prophecies gives us an outline of events that will happen in the end times before Jesus Christ returns. Knowing this sequence of prophecies will helps us understand where we are presently in God’s prophetic timeline. This enables us to prepare our lives to meet Jesus soon.

I want us to go into the details of some of these Bible prophecies to understand the closing events and where we stand today in this current world.

The Kingdoms of Daniel 2

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream of a giant statue made of different metals – gold, silver, bronze and iron mixed with clay. Each metal represented the succession of great kingdoms till the end of time:

  1. Gold head – Babylon Empire
  2. Silver chest – Medo-Persian Empire
  3. Bronze belly and thighs – Greek Empire under Alexander the Great
  4. Iron legs – Roman Empire that ruled the world during Jesus’ first coming
  5. Iron + Clay feet – Divided nations of Europe that will be present when Jesus returns

History accurately fulfilled the first four kingdoms. We are living in the age represented by the weak iron and clay feet. The divided nations of Europe are depicted here, which will form an alliance in the closing days of earth’s history.

The Beasts of Revelation 13

Revelation 13 outlines the final two superpowers that Satan uses to deceive the world and persecute God’s people:

  1. The Sea Beast (Revelation 13:1-10) – This represents Papal Rome, the Roman Catholic church political power that reigned for 1260 years between 538-1798 AD. It’s deadly wound was healed in 1929 when the Vatican regained political authority.
  2. The Land Beast (Revelation 13:11-18) – This earth beast represents USA, the world’s greatest superpower today. It arises peacefully like a lamb but ends up speaking like a dragon under Satanic influence. It forms an image and enforces the mark of beast globally.
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We are presently witnessing the earth beast, USA, transitioning into the final role depicted in prophecy. The Christian nationalism movement with its bid for theocratic government is a stepping stone towards fulfillment of Revelation 13:12.

The Close of Probation

Revelation 22:11 gives us a solemn warning:

“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

This indicates that a time is coming when the door of mercy shuts permanently. The cases of all people will be forever decided for life or destruction. Their characters remain unchanged thereafter.

The point when Jesus finishes His work of mercy for humankind and closes probation is depicted in Revelation 15:5-8 and Revelation 22:10-12.

We are still in the day of salvation when Jesus is inviting people to choose Him and repent. But we are nearing the closing scenes of earth’s history. Now is the time to surrender fully to Christ and remain faithful through the coming storms.

The Seven Last Plagues

Towards the end of the world, the seven last plagues will fall upon those who have resisted God’s salvation and harbored hatred against His commandment-keeping people. Revelation 15 & 16 describe these plagues in detail:

  1. Painful sores
  2. Sea turned into blood
  3. Freshwaters turned bitter
  4. The sun scorches with intense heat
  5. Painful darkness envelops the kingdom of the beast
  6. Euphrates dries up to prepare the way for the kings of the East
  7. Greatest earthquake and hailstorm
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The good news is God has promised to protect those who follow Him wholeheartedly. They will be sealed with God’s name on their foreheads as described in Revelation 7:1-3 and Revelation 14:1. Malachi 3:16-18 also promises that they will be spared like jewels in His crown when the plagues fall.

As the global calamities intensify, are you prepared to stand faithful and trust God’s mighty hand of deliverance? Now is the time get ready and have full faith in God’s protection.

The Return of Jesus Christ

The blessed hope that carries us through earth’s darkest hours is the promise of Jesus’ long-awaited second coming. Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with assurances of our soon coming King and the heavenly kingdom He prepares for us.

Some signs that reveal the nearness of Christ’s return are:

  • Natural disasters – storms, record fires, earthquakes, etc. Luke 21:25-26
  • Moral degeneration – increase of violence, occultism, sexual immorality, etc. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
  • Coming world government – Nations giving power to the United Nations, setting stage for one world ruler. Revelation 17:12-14
  • Gospel preached globally – Internet and technology allow the gospel message to reach every land. Matthew 24:14

These signs reveal we are living at the close of probationary time on earth. Soon Michael shall stand up (Daniel 12:1) and the amazing promise of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 will come to pass!

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

What a joyous hope to prepare our lives to meet our Soon coming King!

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In Daniel 12:4, God told Daniel about the end times: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Human history has seen no other global movement matching the gospel’s worldwide advance today through technology.

We also see the stage being set for Revelation’s climactic showdown as nations abandon God’s principles founded upon His Ten Commandment law more and more. But amidst the coming chaos, we have the assurance of hope in Christ’s return and His beloved city He prepares for the faithful (John 14:1-3).

The signs reveal we are living in that closing period of earth’s history just prior to Jesus’ return. May our lives be consecrated daily through prayer and obedience so we can receive the glorious fulfillment of all our hopes at the glorious return of our king!

Even so come Lord Jesus!

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